The argument for design seems so compelling, yet so many people don’t ‘see’ it. Why should that be? And if things really were intelligently designed, why the rampant death and suffering in the world around us? Does the Bible really answer these challenges? Dealing head on with both biblical teaching and the scientific data, Philip Bell presents the case for Intelligent Design by the God of Scripture. Having introduced the ‘design argument’, he applies it to living organisms, such as birds and bats. The main principles are further illustrated by a focus on homology, then on apoptosis (programmed cell death), something he himself studied as a cancer researcher . But, if the inference to design is so clear, why do so many deny this today? Philip addresses this key question and shows that the historicity of Genesis is of paramount importance in solving the dilemma of death and suffering in a world made “very good” by the Creator.
Format: DVD |
Audience: High School–Adult |
Presenter: Philip Bell |
Length: 55 mins |
Product Code: 30-9-593 |
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